Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

The Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy is consistently applied to all students, full and part-time enrolled at the school.  It is printed in the catalog to ensure that all students receive a copy prior to enrollment.  The policy complies with the guidelines established by the State of New Hampshire Board of Barbering, Cosmetology & Esthetics and regulations established by the State of New Hampshire Department of Education; Division of Higher Education Commission.

Satisfactory Academic Progress measures a student’s progress in academics (Qualitative element) and attendance (Quantitative element). A student is considered to be making Satisfactory Academic Progress if at the time of evaluation the student meets the minimum requirements below:


Students are required to attend a minimum of 75% of the hours possible based on the applicable attendance schedule to be considered maintaining satisfactory attendance progress. Evaluations are conducted at the end of each evaluation period to determine if the student has met the minimum requirements. The attendance percentage is determined by dividing the total hours accrued by the total number of hours scheduled. At the end of each evaluation period, the school will determine if the student has maintained at least 75% cumulative attendance since the beginning of the course which indicates that, given the same attendance rate, the student will graduate within the maximum time frame allowed.


Students must maintain a C grade average (minimum of75% Esthetics and Nails) or 70% (Massage Therapy) in theory, practical work and attendance) in order to be considered to be making satisfactory progress. The cumulative GPA includes a set of grades for written and practical evaluations. Students are assigned academic learning and a minimum number of practical experiences. Academic learning is evaluated after each unit of study. Practical assignments are evaluated as completed and counted toward course completion only when rated satisfactory or better (the computer system will reflect completion of the practical assignment as a 100% rating. Students must make up failed or missed tests and incomplete assignments.

Numerical grades are considered according to the following scale:

Esthetics and Nails

93-100   A     Excellent

85-92    B     Very Good

75-84    C    Satisfactory

74 & Below   F    Unsatisfactory

Massage Therapy

90-100   A     Excellent

80-89    B     Very Good

70-79    C    Satisfactory

69 & Below   F    Unsatisfactory



Students are evaluated for Satisfactory Academic Progress as follows:

900hr Adv. Esthetics               450hrs [actual] and end of second payment period

600hr Esthetics                        300hrs [actual] and end of second payment period

300hr Spa Nails                       150hrs [actual] and end of second payment period

450hr Adv. Spa Nails               225hrs [actual] and end of second payment period

780hr Massage Therapy               390hrs [actual] and end of second payment period

*Transfer Students- Midpoint of the contracted hours or the established evaluation periods, whichever comes first.
* * Students placed on Probation will be reviewed every thirty days (30)



 The maximum time (which does not exceed 133% of the course length) allowed for student to complete each course at satisfactory progress is stated below:

Massage Therapy: 780 hours

Adv. Esthetics: 900 hours
[F/T Days 28hrs/wk] 43 weeks 1200
[P/T Eve 18.5hrs/wk] 65 weeks 1200
Esthetics: 600 hours
[F/T Days 28hrs/wk] 29 weeks 800
[P/T Eve 18.5hrs/wk] 43 weeks 800
Spa Nails: 300 hours
[F/T Days 21hrs/wk] 20 weeks 400
[P/T Eve 12hrs/wk] 33 weeks 400
Spa Nails: 450 hours
[P/T Days 21hrs/wk] 29 weeks 600
Massage Therapy: 780 hours
[F/T Days 28hrs/wk] 37 weeks 1037
[P/T Eve 18.5hrs/wk] 56 weeks 1037

Students who have not completed the course within the maximum time frame may continue as a student at the school on a cash pay basis.


Students meeting the minimum requirements for academics and attendance at the evaluation point are considered to be making satisfactory academic progress until the next scheduled evaluation. Students will receive a hard-copy of their Satisfactory Progress Determination at the time of each of the evaluations. Students deemed not maintaining Satisfactory Progress may have their education interrupted and will be notified of their right to appeal (see appeal procedure).


If a student is determined not to be making satisfactory academic progress (SAP), the student may appeal the determination within ten (10) calendar days. Reasons for which students may appeal a negative progress determination include the death of a relative, an injury or illness of the student, or any other allowable special or mitigating circumstance. The student must submit a written appeal on the designated form describing why they failed to meet satisfactory academic progress standards, along with supporting documentation (i.e., medical documentation or obituary) of the reasons why the determination should be reversed. This information should include what has changed about the student’s situation that will allow them to achieve Satisfactory Academic Progress by the next evaluation point. Appeal form with supporting documentation must be submitted to Susan Latulippe, Director of Compliance.

The appeals committee will review the appeal documents and a decision will be made and reported to the student within ten (10) calendar days. Students need to continue to attend all scheduled classes. If the student prevails upon appeal, the student will be placed on Probation with an academic/attendance plan to follow (see Probation).


Students who fail to meet minimum requirements for attendance and academic progress at the evaluation point will have the option to appeal (see appeal process). Additionally, only students who can meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards by the end of the evaluation period may be placed on Probation.

Students on probation are placed on an academic or attendance plan and reviewed every thirty (30) days to ensure they meet the requirements outlined in the academic/attendance plan.

Students who are progressing according to their specific academic/attendance plan will be considered making Satisfactory Academic Progress. If at the point of the 30-day evaluation, the student has still not met both the attendance and academic requirements required for satisfactory academic progress or by the academic plan, he/she will be determined as NOT making satisfactory academic progress.


Students may re-establish satisfactory academic progress, by meeting minimum attendance and academic requirements outlined in their academic/attendance plan. Students who are progressing according to their specific plan will be considered making Satisfactory Academic Progress.


If enrollment is temporarily interrupted for a Leave of Absence, the student will return to school in the same progress status as prior to the leave of absence. Hours elapsed during a leave of absence will extend the student’s contract period and maximum time frame by the same number of days taken in the leave of absence and will not be included in the student’s cumulative attendance percentage calculation. Students who withdraw before completion of the course and wish to re-enroll within 180 calendar days of the original official withdrawal date will return to the same satisfactory academic progress status as at the time of withdrawal.

COURSE INCOMPLETES, WITHDRAWALS AND COURSE REPEATS do not apply to this institution. Therefore, these items do not affect the school’s satisfactory progress standards.


Noncredit and remedial courses do not apply to this institution.  Therefore, these items do not effect the school’s satisfactory progress standards.


The school’s Academic Director must approve transfer hours from another school. The student must provide a transcript from their previous school in order to be considered. With regard to Satisfactory Academic Progress, a student’s transfer hours will be counted as both attempted and earned hours to determine when the allowable maximum time frame has been exhausted.


A student may request a program transfer to any program that is academically equivalent and required more clock hours than the program in which the student is enrolled. The request must be submitted in writing to the Director of Admissions at least 10 days prior to the requested date of transfer and approved by the Academic Director. A student may not transfer from any program in which they are enrolled to another program that has less academic clock hours except upon written approval by the Board of Directors and due to the following circumstances described below:

Where a student has an emergency, medical, personal or family unforeseen, mitigating circumstance and is unable to continue in their current program, the student may appeal in writing to the Board of Directors to transfer to a lesser program. The student must present independent written evidence supporting their request and accept any financial impact of that transfer.