Leave of Absence Policy

All requests for a Leave of Absence must be submitted in advance in writing and include the reason for the Leave of Absence, length of time and signed by the student. The student must follow the school’s policy in requesting the leave of absence. There must be a reasonable expectation that the student will return from the Leave of Absence. Approval for the request will be determined by the Administrative Support Staff.

Leave of Absences can be granted in cases of emergency or unforeseen circumstances that prevent the student from doing so in person.

The school may grant a Leave of Absence to the student for unforeseen circumstances i.e. emergency services but the request must be collected from the student at a later date. This date will be determined to be the first day the student is unable to attend school.

The school will provide an explanation to the student, prior to granting the LOA, the effects that the student’s failure to return from a LOA may have on the student’s loan repayment terms, including the expiration of the student’s grace period.

Leave of Absences together with any additional Leave of Absences should not exceed a total of 180 days in a 12 month period.

A student who is granted a Leave of Absence and meets these criteria is not considered withdrawn and no refund calculation is done at this time.

The school does not assess the student any further institutional charges, the student’s need may not increase, and the student is not eligible for any additional Federal Student Aid during this time period.

A student who has been granted a Leave of Absence will be considered withdrawn if he/she does not return at the end of the approved Leave of Absence unless unforeseen circumstances prevent the student from doing so. For example, if a student were injured in a car accident and needed a few weeks to recover before returning to school, the student would not have been able to request the LOA in advance. A school may grant a LOA to a student who did not provide the request prior to the LOA due to unforeseen circumstances if the school documents the reason for its decision and collects the request from the student at a later date. In this example, the beginning date of the approved LOA would be determined by the school to be the date the student was unable to attend school because of the accident.

Title IV students who fail to return may affect their loan repayments including expiration of the student’s grace period.

The Leave of Absence will extend the student’s end date by the number of days of the leave. The return from the Leave of Absence is subject to academic placement and instruction.

Any changes in the contract period on the enrollment agreement must be initialed by all parties or an addendum must be signed and dated by all parties.

If the student withdraws the withdrawal date, for the purpose of calculating a refund is always the student’s last day of attendance.