A comprehensive TMJ cranial bodywork course covering palpation of the head, neck and TMJ joint. A broad range of techniques are demonstrated and explored to include a curated blend of many modalities that come together to create a powerful method of TMJ cranial bodywork. The TMJ cranial bodywork methods applied in the course include cranial palpation, myofascial release of the head and neck, TMJ intra oral palpation and release, TMJ trigger point release for the head and neck and thermal applications for the head and neck. The TMJ cranial bodywork method may be applied in the treatment of TMJD, headaches, sinus dysfunction, and shoulder impingement.
Classes are always small group size of between 6 to 8 participants in order to provide participants extraordinary attention to detail and application of these delicate techniques. Each participant will receive a full color, bound manual and access to recorded video demonstrations of the techniques. Classes are a combination of lecture covering ethics, boundaries, anatomy, pathology, technique application and contraindications, as well as, extensive technique application through hands on palpation and release bodywork.
The course is taught by a master TMJ cranial bodywork method professional that is trained in the techniques and an active clinical practitioner in the practice of TMJ cranial bodywork methods. The course is 18 live contact hours of lecture and hands on practice with direct instructor supervision.
Learn More about class from Dee VIckers: TMJ Massage For TMJD (massageceeducation.com)
Tuition: $550
#CEU: 18 NCBTMB Approved
License: TN# MT0000006935
NCBTMB PROVIDER #: 450945-09
PLEASE NOTE: This Workshop Runs: 3/14, 3/15, & 3/25 from 9:00 am-6:00 pm
To register for workshops: